Ticket FAQs

Yes, the show always sells out. But we want to make sure you know how to get tickets! We know this page is long, but it really is worth reading it all so you know how things work. The basics:

  • Tickets are $15 apiece via Bold Type Tickets.
  • Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 8pm, and we’re done by 9:30ish.
  • Masking at the theater is encouraged, but no longer required – see Theatre Off Jackson’s website for further details.
  • All shows are 21+, so be prepared to show ID at the door.


Will the show sell out?

Where will I be able to buy tickets?
Tickets can be purchased via Bold Type Tickets.

When exactly are tickets available?
Tickets usually go on sale about a month before the show. Follow us on Instagram for sale dates when they’re announced, or sign up for our mailing list.

When will the next show be?

You can check our current schedule on the main page.

Do you do assigned seating?
All seating is general admission, with a couple of exceptions: we reserve our front row for our Deaf/Hard of Hearing audience members so they can be seated near our American Sign Language interpreters – more information on reserved Deaf/Hard of Hearing seating and ticketing can be found in our Deaf/Hard of Hearing audience info. We also reserve space for staff and their guests.


My plans have changed and I can’t make the show. Can you refund my ticket purchase?


Are you REALLY sold out again?! Why can’t I ever get a ticket? Why don’t you do ticketing differently? Why don’t you move to a bigger venue? Why do people who aren’t me always get tickets? Why won’t you return my angry emails? ARGLE BARGLE FLARGLE

We know it can be frustrating that tickets sell out so quickly, and please know that we do our best to make sure our ticket process is fair and well-publicized. But ultimately, this is a popular show and we’re genuinely sorry that you weren’t able to get tickets. Keep trying, because we’d love to see you! The Salon of Shame was founded as a community event. We’re not a production company – just working folks with day jobs who do this for fun. And remember: readers always get in for free.

laura rose

Are you here in Seattle? Consider hosting your own mini-Salon at your home with your friends! That’s our origin story: a bunch of us sitting in Ariel’s basement, reading our worst adolescent writing to each other between chugs of cheap wine and guffaws.

Are you somewhere that is not Seattle? Contact us if you’d like to build and produce a full-fledged Salon of Shame in your own town! We have chapters in Columbus, New Orleans and Jacksonville.

Thanks to each and every one of you for all your support for our silly little show. We’re as surprised as anyone that we’ve been doing this for over 20 years!